Laser Treatments Rid You of Unwanted Hair

Whether it’s hair in your underarms, bikini lines, the face or elsewhere, using at-home treatments like plucking, waxing, shaving, bleaching and other chemical applications can not only be time consuming, but only offer a temporary reprieve.

Besides these limitations, many of these at-home treatment options can be downright painful as well.

Laser hair removal is a treatment method that offers a more permanent solution that’s much less painful than some of the other methods mentioned above. As defined by the Mayo Clinic, laser hair removal is:

“…a medical procedure that uses a laser – an intense, pulsating beam of light – to remove unwanted hair.”

The procedure works best on people with light skin and dark hair and can be used just about anywhere except around the eyes since the laser can cause severe eye damage. It basically consists of a laser beam that passes through the skin to an individual hair follicle. The intense heat delivered by the laser damages the hair follicle, inhibiting future hair growth.

Since the laser beam is only targeting dark pigments, lighter color skin surrounding the target location isn’t damaged.

Although laser hair removal is much less painful than other hair removal methods, patients still feel minimal discomfort. A topic anesthetic can be applied if you so choose, or immediately following the treatment, aloe-vera can be rubbed over the treatment area to relieve any pain. And even though laser hair removal works best on those with lighter skin and darker hair (…since the laser beam is targeting the melanin in the hair), advances in technology have made laser hair removal available to those with darker skin.

While laser hair treatments are relatively painless and safe, there are a few possible side effects, including:

  • Skin irritation – redness, swelling and temporary discomfort are possible following a laser hair treatment. Most of the time, these symptoms go away after a few hours.
  • Pigment changes – another temporary side effect, laser hair removal may lighten or darken surrounding skin.  Changes in the skin’s pigment are especially common if an incorrect laser or incorrect setting is used.

Other side effects can include blistering, crusting, scarring or other changes in skin texture – these are extremely rare though.

One misconception about laser hair removal is that it’s permanent, which isn’t exactly true. Patients report a 75% reduction in hair growth on average. Optimal results require several treatments over a period of time. Fortunately, each session lasts anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes. Therefore, it’s easy to fit a session in your lunch break!

Any new growth you may see will be minimal and can be easily addressed.

Gainesville laser hair removal specialists at Accent Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics offer years of experience in helping Florida residents remove unwanted hair in the most comfortable way possible. Valerie Timmons (RN, MEP-C) offers decades of experience in this and other treatments designed to enhance beauty one individual at a time.

If you’re ready to take the next step, make an appointment with laser hair removal specialists at Accent Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics today for a free consultation today.