Preparing for Plastic Surgery: Emotionally and Psychologically

Although patients of cosmetic surgery are generally seeking positive physical changes as well, one of the most common reasons people undergo a cosmetic procedure is an internal one—to improve their self-esteem.

There are many articles that tell patients how to prepare physically for plastic surgery and the changes it will mean to your body, but much less in known about the emotional and psychological effects. A majority of post-plastic surgery patients indicate satisfaction with their results, but what are the psychological results of cosmetic procedures and how can you prepare?

The healing period following a cosmetic procedure can be an extremely emotional and psychologically difficult time for patients that are unprepared for the recovery process. Although swelling and bruising are temporary—and an inevitable part of the healing process—some recovering patients fail to understand that the final result is not yet apparent, so depressive or self- destructive behavior can set in.

Emotional and psychological anxiety can also be caused by unrealistic expectations of what the cosmetic procedure is and what it can do. If the patient does not understand what the procedure is and is not capable of fixing, then they are bound to be disappointed with the results.

Here are some tips for making sure you aren’t negatively affected, emotionally or psychologically, after your cosmetic procedure:

1. Know your goals. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to know what the surgery is capable of doing, and doctors must know what your goals are to be able to tell you what is possible. This way you won’t be disappointed with the results. Know what you want and convey this to your surgeon before committing to a procedure.

2. Don’t judge your appearance while you are in the healing process. Bruising and swelling is normal after most procedures, so be patient and wait for the final results.

3. Establish a support system. By having close friends and family around you during the recovery period, your self-esteem will be boosted and negative anxieties can be avoided. Make sure they are around to help you while you heal.

4. Create a space. Find a space to heal following the procedure and fill it with everything you need to remain positive— a phone to call your support system, things to get your mind off the surgery like books or movies, water, food, and maybe even that half-gallon of Moosetracks ice-cream.

5. Think about the finish line. Any time you get discouraged about your appearance, keep the end results, and your end goal, in mind.

6. Follow the post-op instructions. To speed up the healing process, listen to your surgeon and follow their instructions on medications and activity. He or she probably knows what they’re talking about, and listening to them can help you get back to your normal life faster.

7. When in doubt, call your surgeon. Gainesville cosmetic surgeons are not only concerned about your physical well-being, but your emotional health as well. They would be happy to answer questions or doubts you may have. So don’t hesitate, give them a ring.

By following these steps, you will be better prepared for your plastic surgery. Improve your physical appearance and self-esteem by emotionally and psychologically preparing for your cosmetic procedure. Just because your physical appearance will change doesn’t mean your emotions have to suffer because of it.

Check out  cosmetic procedures available at our Gainesville clinic today to see how we can help your self-esteem.